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Axiom Electron Atom Putter


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The Axiom Tantrum is a distance driver that provides sweeping lines with hyzerflip potential allow power throwers to shape all kinds of shots.  It is considered to fly like a beat-in Teleport, with huge glide and distance potential.  The most critical factor in a Tantrum's flight is the power put behind it.  For stronger arms, it will have significant turn with a reliable fade.  Average thrower power the Tantrum will fly straight-stable with a sharp fade.  The Tantrum is recommended for high power throwers to utilize its flight characteristics.

Flight Numbers

Speed 14 Glide 5 Turn -1.5 Fade 3

About Neutron Plastic

Flagship blend offering a premium look and feel

Widest selection of bright opaque colors

Shares great durability characteristics of Proton

Easy-to-find colors in any given terrain

About Axiom

Axiom is a brand manufactured by MVP and utilizes gyro technology.  Their discs feature multiple color options and fly as great as they look.

About MVP 

Maple Valley Plastics out of Michigan, creates premium plastic discs that are made from two different plastics on each disc.  MVP utilities a new age technology known as GYRO which consist of a two piece mold.  Two separate types of plastics are used in the center piece and overmold.

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