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Westside Discs VIP Adder First Run

Westside Discs

Regular price $19.99

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The Adder is ready to bail disc golfers out of the windiest of conditions. With high speed and a pop top giving good glide, only the biggest arms will have a chance to make this disc turn over. For everyone else, it will be a very useable utility disc for when you need a distinct fade with speed through the flightpath.

Speed 13 Glide 5 Turn 0  Fade 4

VIP Plastic

This is the most durable plastic in Westside's lineup. It comes in a nice see-through, opaque appearance. It has a tacky grip with a nice glossy finish. Designed with super resistant polymers to withstand great force, it will hold its shape and maintain its original flight characteristics for a long time.

Westside Discs

Westside Discs originating out of Finland but is now owned by Latitude 64 and Dynamic Discs.  Known for their high speed drivers and approach discs.

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