Upcoming Discmania releases
Discmania D-Line P2 Putter, Discmania Simon Lizotte Creator Series Meta Tilt
About Discmania from Discmania's site
There is a new era for Discmania. Everything we’ve done from the day the company started nearly 15 years ago has led to this moment.
Introducing Discmania Manufacturing and Discmania Originals made by us, Discmania!
Discmania is officially a disc golf manufacturer. We’re doing it our way. We’re doing it the right way. Best of all, we’re doing it in our new state-of-the-art 22,000 square foot facility in Sweden.
2021 release schedule
They are committed to bring the new P2, MD3, DD3, PD, and FD to the market which will also feature our popular signature series versions like Cloudbreaker, Sky God, and Iron Samurai.
The New D-Line P2 goes on sale tomorrow, June 22! The other four molds will be available in our new C-Line plastic in both Q3 and Q4. The wait won’t be as long as you think.